US Hacker Pleads Guilty to Hijacking Thousands of Computers
Dan Ilett, UK
A US man has pleaded guilty to leasing out networks of compromised computers to criminals so they can carry out denial of service and spam attacks.Twenty-year old Californian Jeanson James Ancheta faces up to six years in prison for felony charges that include making more than $61,000 from renting the illegal networks and infecting US military computers.
See Also:
American owns up to hijacking PCs
Hacker faces up to 25 years in prison
The Associated Press reports that Ancheta, who will be sentenced before a US District Court on 1 May, stands to lose his BMW and more than $58,000.Reports suggest this could be the first case to take aim at people who profit from 'botnets' - networks of virus-infected computers used by hackers to launch attacks.
Jan 24, 2006
Dan Ilett, UK
A US man has pleaded guilty to leasing out networks of compromised computers to criminals so they can carry out denial of service and spam attacks.Twenty-year old Californian Jeanson James Ancheta faces up to six years in prison for felony charges that include making more than $61,000 from renting the illegal networks and infecting US military computers.
See Also:
American owns up to hijacking PCs
Hacker faces up to 25 years in prison
The Associated Press reports that Ancheta, who will be sentenced before a US District Court on 1 May, stands to lose his BMW and more than $58,000.Reports suggest this could be the first case to take aim at people who profit from 'botnets' - networks of virus-infected computers used by hackers to launch attacks.
Jan 24, 2006