Mystery Deepens Over Deadly Beach
Norfolk Eastern Daily Press
Suffolk Beaches, East Anglia (UK):
A Government expert warned last night there could be a risk to children following the illness and deaths of dogs using a north Suffolk beach.
In a letter to Waveney District Council, Dr Ed Blane, from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said it was possible the cause of the deaths "may never be known".
Dogs belonging to John Redfern and Sue Nesbitt died shortly after walking along Pakefield beach, and both owners believe their pets were poisoned.
More than a half a dozen other people say that since the end of last month their dogs have become ill after walking along a stretch of coastline.
Jan 18, 2006
Norfolk Eastern Daily Press
Suffolk Beaches, East Anglia (UK):
A Government expert warned last night there could be a risk to children following the illness and deaths of dogs using a north Suffolk beach.
In a letter to Waveney District Council, Dr Ed Blane, from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said it was possible the cause of the deaths "may never be known".
Dogs belonging to John Redfern and Sue Nesbitt died shortly after walking along Pakefield beach, and both owners believe their pets were poisoned.
More than a half a dozen other people say that since the end of last month their dogs have become ill after walking along a stretch of coastline.
Jan 18, 2006