Dying Sea Turtles Baffle Experts
San Salvador (El Salvador ):
More than 100 rare sea turtles have washed up dead on Pacific beaches in El Salvador this month, and scientists said on Monday they were struggling for an explanation.
A total of 119 dead turtles have been found at different points along El Salvador's coast since the start of the year.
The turtles belong to the Olive Ridley, Hawksbill and Green turtle species."The final cause is still unknown," said Claudia Vega, a veterinarian with the El Salvador Zoological Foundation.The Environment Ministry is analyzing tests carried out on an dying turtle last week and said it was too early to draw final conclusions.
Jan 16, 2006
San Salvador (El Salvador ):
More than 100 rare sea turtles have washed up dead on Pacific beaches in El Salvador this month, and scientists said on Monday they were struggling for an explanation.
A total of 119 dead turtles have been found at different points along El Salvador's coast since the start of the year.
The turtles belong to the Olive Ridley, Hawksbill and Green turtle species."The final cause is still unknown," said Claudia Vega, a veterinarian with the El Salvador Zoological Foundation.The Environment Ministry is analyzing tests carried out on an dying turtle last week and said it was too early to draw final conclusions.
Jan 16, 2006