Bin Laden Niece Poses for Sexy Photo Shoot
Kevin Krolicki
ABC News
Los Angeles (US):
Her uncle may be the world's most elusive fugitive, but Osama bin Laden's niece is about as conspicuous as she can be in a sexy photo shoot in the January edition of the men's fashion magazine GQ.
Wafah Dufour is an aspiring New York-based musician who told the magazine that her family ties to the al Qaeda leader suspected of masterminding the September 11, 2001 attacks have prompted death threats and sent her into a bout of depression.
As part of an effort to distance herself from her massive Saudi family, Dufour appears in a sultry GQ photo spread, reclining on satin sheets wrapped in feathers in one picture and posing in a bubble bath wearing nothing but jewelry in a second.
"I was born in the States and I want people to know I'm American, and I want people here to understand that I'm like anyone in New York. For me, it's home," said Dufour.Her mother, Carmen bin Laden, wrote the 2004 bestseller "Inside the Kingdom: My Life in Saudi Arabia," an account of her rocky marriage to Yeslama bin Laden, Osama's half-brother, who amassed a fortune in the family's construction business and started his own investment firm.
Dufour, who was born in Santa Monica, California, while her parents studied at the University of Southern California, said she had never met Osama bin Laden.
Dec 23, 2005
Kevin Krolicki
ABC News
Los Angeles (US):
Her uncle may be the world's most elusive fugitive, but Osama bin Laden's niece is about as conspicuous as she can be in a sexy photo shoot in the January edition of the men's fashion magazine GQ.
Wafah Dufour is an aspiring New York-based musician who told the magazine that her family ties to the al Qaeda leader suspected of masterminding the September 11, 2001 attacks have prompted death threats and sent her into a bout of depression.
As part of an effort to distance herself from her massive Saudi family, Dufour appears in a sultry GQ photo spread, reclining on satin sheets wrapped in feathers in one picture and posing in a bubble bath wearing nothing but jewelry in a second.
"I was born in the States and I want people to know I'm American, and I want people here to understand that I'm like anyone in New York. For me, it's home," said Dufour.Her mother, Carmen bin Laden, wrote the 2004 bestseller "Inside the Kingdom: My Life in Saudi Arabia," an account of her rocky marriage to Yeslama bin Laden, Osama's half-brother, who amassed a fortune in the family's construction business and started his own investment firm.
Dufour, who was born in Santa Monica, California, while her parents studied at the University of Southern California, said she had never met Osama bin Laden.
Dec 23, 2005