Flood Hit by Mystery Virus
Amanda Lulham
Fox Sports
Sydney (Australia):
Two weeks after collapsing just 2km from the finish of the Coolangatta Gold, surf lifesaving ironwoman Naomi Flood is anxiously awaiting the results of tests to identify a mystery virus affecting her liver.
Flood, who planned to compete in this weekend's East Coast championships and Warriors on Water events at Port Macquarie, will instead be confined to the sidelines as a spectator. The 19-year-old said it is believed she was suffering from the mystery virus prior to the Coolangatta Gold in Queensland where she collapsed with dehydration and heat stroke just 2km from the end of the 25km race.
"They think the dehydration has made everything flare up," Flood said. "I'm seeing a specialist on Monday to see what the virus is and what my routine will be"". Flood said she remembered little of her collapse during the Coolangatta Gold race. "I just hit the wall. My body wasn't working," she said.
Oct 28, 2005
Amanda Lulham
Fox Sports
Sydney (Australia):
Two weeks after collapsing just 2km from the finish of the Coolangatta Gold, surf lifesaving ironwoman Naomi Flood is anxiously awaiting the results of tests to identify a mystery virus affecting her liver.
Flood, who planned to compete in this weekend's East Coast championships and Warriors on Water events at Port Macquarie, will instead be confined to the sidelines as a spectator. The 19-year-old said it is believed she was suffering from the mystery virus prior to the Coolangatta Gold in Queensland where she collapsed with dehydration and heat stroke just 2km from the end of the 25km race.
"They think the dehydration has made everything flare up," Flood said. "I'm seeing a specialist on Monday to see what the virus is and what my routine will be"". Flood said she remembered little of her collapse during the Coolangatta Gold race. "I just hit the wall. My body wasn't working," she said.
Oct 28, 2005