Dark Spirits Captured In Photo?

Cumbria (UK):
A visitor to a well known 'haunted' spot, the Rum Story at Lowther Street, Whitehaven, claims to have photographed paranormal lights at the haunted tourist attraction.Ghost expert Dr Jason Braithwaite dismisses the ‘lights’ as nothing more than dust particles but The Rum Story’s Marie Whitehead is keeping an open mind.Tourist Alison Phillips said: “I have taken photographs with my digital camera which have shown nothing on the LCD screen at the time, but on looking back at the picture, light anomalies are clearly visible.”Although most of the pictures are too faint to reproduce in The Whitehaven News, they all clearly show spots of lights. Many strange experiences have been reported to staff, and over 30 paranormal incidents have been recorded since the Rum Story opened in 2000. Although Marie was at first sceptical, there have been so many experiences that are similar, she believes now that “there could be something here.”Dr Jason Braithwaite a Paranormal expert, has been investigating strange experiences at the Rum Story and Muncaster Castle for a year and a half. During several ghost hunts, other paranormal experiences have been recorded. However he was dismissive of the photos.He told The Whitehaven News: “I can see nothing of any real interest in the photos sent to me. These are pretty standard and basic dust-effects where small specs of dust become illuminated by flash photography. With a digital camera the flash is generally placed much closer to the lens which means you are much more likely to get the effects.“The reason people think these are 'paranormal' is purely down to TV programmes like Most Haunted - which have absolutely no scientific merit whatsoever. They are generating a myth concerning things called 'orbs' which are nothing more than a combination of dust (as mentioned above), moisture, rain on the lens (if the photos are outside) out of focus insects, and out of focus light sources. This is my considered opinion on this area of research and I see nothing in those photos to convince me otherwise. They are very good examples of the above mentioned natural effects.”But Alison herself has a long history of paranormal experiences including premonitions of various disasters such as a major explosion at the ICL factory at Flixborough, in which the TV footage of the burning site was replica of what she had witnessed in her sleep.
Sarah Robinson
Sept.15 2005

Cumbria (UK):
A visitor to a well known 'haunted' spot, the Rum Story at Lowther Street, Whitehaven, claims to have photographed paranormal lights at the haunted tourist attraction.Ghost expert Dr Jason Braithwaite dismisses the ‘lights’ as nothing more than dust particles but The Rum Story’s Marie Whitehead is keeping an open mind.Tourist Alison Phillips said: “I have taken photographs with my digital camera which have shown nothing on the LCD screen at the time, but on looking back at the picture, light anomalies are clearly visible.”Although most of the pictures are too faint to reproduce in The Whitehaven News, they all clearly show spots of lights. Many strange experiences have been reported to staff, and over 30 paranormal incidents have been recorded since the Rum Story opened in 2000. Although Marie was at first sceptical, there have been so many experiences that are similar, she believes now that “there could be something here.”Dr Jason Braithwaite a Paranormal expert, has been investigating strange experiences at the Rum Story and Muncaster Castle for a year and a half. During several ghost hunts, other paranormal experiences have been recorded. However he was dismissive of the photos.He told The Whitehaven News: “I can see nothing of any real interest in the photos sent to me. These are pretty standard and basic dust-effects where small specs of dust become illuminated by flash photography. With a digital camera the flash is generally placed much closer to the lens which means you are much more likely to get the effects.“The reason people think these are 'paranormal' is purely down to TV programmes like Most Haunted - which have absolutely no scientific merit whatsoever. They are generating a myth concerning things called 'orbs' which are nothing more than a combination of dust (as mentioned above), moisture, rain on the lens (if the photos are outside) out of focus insects, and out of focus light sources. This is my considered opinion on this area of research and I see nothing in those photos to convince me otherwise. They are very good examples of the above mentioned natural effects.”But Alison herself has a long history of paranormal experiences including premonitions of various disasters such as a major explosion at the ICL factory at Flixborough, in which the TV footage of the burning site was replica of what she had witnessed in her sleep.
Sarah Robinson
Sept.15 2005