Rachel’s parents offer Entwistle family sympathy
Jennifer Kavanaugh
Metrowest Daily
NewsBoston Herald
The parents of Rachel Entwistle offered heartfelt sympathy yesterday to the parents of the man charged last week with killing her and her 9-month-old baby girl.
Through a spokesman, the family said it draws a distinction between Neil Entwistle, the father charged with Rachel and Lillian Rose’s deaths, and his parents.
The Story So far:
The Mystery NEWS Archives
“They realize Neil’s parents must also be hurting from this betrayal,” said Joseph Flaherty, the spokesman for Priscilla and Joseph Matterazzo of Carver, Rachel’s mother and stepfather. On Friday, a day after his son Neil, 27, was arraigned in a courtroom thousands of miles from his Worksop, England, home, Clifford Entwistle broke his silence to the Herald and referred to the deaths of Rachel and his granddaughter Lillian as “our great loss.”
As the two families cope on opposite sides of the Atlantic, outsiders have wondered how the tragedy is affecting their relationship. Flaherty would not discuss specifically how or if the two families have communicated, other than to say that they have not spoken “since the arrest.” He would not say whether they will speak again.
feb 20, 2006
Jennifer Kavanaugh
Metrowest Daily
NewsBoston Herald
The parents of Rachel Entwistle offered heartfelt sympathy yesterday to the parents of the man charged last week with killing her and her 9-month-old baby girl.
Through a spokesman, the family said it draws a distinction between Neil Entwistle, the father charged with Rachel and Lillian Rose’s deaths, and his parents.
The Story So far:
The Mystery NEWS Archives
“They realize Neil’s parents must also be hurting from this betrayal,” said Joseph Flaherty, the spokesman for Priscilla and Joseph Matterazzo of Carver, Rachel’s mother and stepfather. On Friday, a day after his son Neil, 27, was arraigned in a courtroom thousands of miles from his Worksop, England, home, Clifford Entwistle broke his silence to the Herald and referred to the deaths of Rachel and his granddaughter Lillian as “our great loss.”
As the two families cope on opposite sides of the Atlantic, outsiders have wondered how the tragedy is affecting their relationship. Flaherty would not discuss specifically how or if the two families have communicated, other than to say that they have not spoken “since the arrest.” He would not say whether they will speak again.
feb 20, 2006