Sting Punters Pocket Almost $1m
Chris Bassani, Greyhounds
Brisbane Courier Mail
Adelaide (Australia):
An insider from the bookmaking ranks close to the Gold Coast greyhound betting sting believes the mystery punters netted nearly $1 million.The man, who asked not to be named, said: "They (bookies) were taken for a lot of money.
They just don't want to look like dills." Adelaide bookmaker Curly Seal appeared the hardest hit, admitting that he had taken a loss close to $600,000. "If you said (I lost) $600,000 that wouldn't be far off the mark," Seal said.
Seal said two established clients, one in Adelaide and the other in Sydney, placed the bets. On Tuesday, the pair's syndicate backed odds-on favourite Lucy's Light with at least five bookmaking firms around Australia and agreed to be paid on final Queensland tote odds. Lucy's Light was showing $1.10 in the field of six when the bets where placed.
Dec 22, 2005
Chris Bassani, Greyhounds
Brisbane Courier Mail
Adelaide (Australia):
An insider from the bookmaking ranks close to the Gold Coast greyhound betting sting believes the mystery punters netted nearly $1 million.The man, who asked not to be named, said: "They (bookies) were taken for a lot of money.
They just don't want to look like dills." Adelaide bookmaker Curly Seal appeared the hardest hit, admitting that he had taken a loss close to $600,000. "If you said (I lost) $600,000 that wouldn't be far off the mark," Seal said.
Seal said two established clients, one in Adelaide and the other in Sydney, placed the bets. On Tuesday, the pair's syndicate backed odds-on favourite Lucy's Light with at least five bookmaking firms around Australia and agreed to be paid on final Queensland tote odds. Lucy's Light was showing $1.10 in the field of six when the bets where placed.
Dec 22, 2005