Parliament Bomb Hoax:Police Team Sent to Tamil Nadu
United News of India
Hindustan Times
New Delhi (India):
A team of the Delhi Police on Saturday left for Tamil Nadu to probe into Friday's bomb threat to Parliament which had originated from an internet cafe in Tirunvelveli district of the state."The team has left for Palayamkottai in Tirunvelveli district from where the e-mail message threatening to blast Parliament had been sent," said Ajay Kumar, DCP Special Cell which has been handed over the case.
See Also:
Indian Parliament Vacated Following Threat
The e-mail message received by the US mission in Chennai had said, "Today there shall be a bomb blast in Parliament and US consulates in India at 11.46 am. Stop it if you could. Cut relations with the USA. Long live OSAMABINLADEN ASADHULLAH ALKALIFS."
The Delhi Police had on Friday registered an FIR at the Lodhi Road police station in connection with the threat that led to abrupt adjournment of Parliament proceedings and the evacuation of the building, reminding of the December 13 terror attack of 2001.
Dec 17, 2005
United News of India
Hindustan Times
New Delhi (India):
A team of the Delhi Police on Saturday left for Tamil Nadu to probe into Friday's bomb threat to Parliament which had originated from an internet cafe in Tirunvelveli district of the state."The team has left for Palayamkottai in Tirunvelveli district from where the e-mail message threatening to blast Parliament had been sent," said Ajay Kumar, DCP Special Cell which has been handed over the case.
See Also:
Indian Parliament Vacated Following Threat
The e-mail message received by the US mission in Chennai had said, "Today there shall be a bomb blast in Parliament and US consulates in India at 11.46 am. Stop it if you could. Cut relations with the USA. Long live OSAMABINLADEN ASADHULLAH ALKALIFS."
The Delhi Police had on Friday registered an FIR at the Lodhi Road police station in connection with the threat that led to abrupt adjournment of Parliament proceedings and the evacuation of the building, reminding of the December 13 terror attack of 2001.
Dec 17, 2005