Mysterious Christmas Present with a Threatening Note
Beth Stallings
The Morning Journal
Lorain, Ohio (US):
A Lorain resident received a mysterious Christmas present yesterday morning, according to the Lorain Fire Department. Assistant fire Chief Randall Hupp said the resident came home at 8:20 a.m. yesterday and found a gift-wrapped package sitting on his wife's car outside their home on Omaha Avenue.
The man, believing it contained some sort of food, took it into the kitchen and unwrapped it, Hupp said.''There was a white powder inside and some kind of note,'' said Hupp.
The note could be perceived as somewhat ''threatening'' and definitely not friendly in nature.
The fire department double-bagged the substance, placed it in an over-pack drum and gave it to the police department, Hupp said.
Dec 26, 2005
Beth Stallings
The Morning Journal
Lorain, Ohio (US):
A Lorain resident received a mysterious Christmas present yesterday morning, according to the Lorain Fire Department. Assistant fire Chief Randall Hupp said the resident came home at 8:20 a.m. yesterday and found a gift-wrapped package sitting on his wife's car outside their home on Omaha Avenue.
The man, believing it contained some sort of food, took it into the kitchen and unwrapped it, Hupp said.''There was a white powder inside and some kind of note,'' said Hupp.
The note could be perceived as somewhat ''threatening'' and definitely not friendly in nature.
The fire department double-bagged the substance, placed it in an over-pack drum and gave it to the police department, Hupp said.
Dec 26, 2005