Three Thousand Years Ago Egyptians Used Helicopters for Battles?
Pravda, Russia
There is a scientific theory that says that Egyptians descended from Martians who had once visited this planetIt was even before Christ that Greeks took a keen interest in the culture and history of people living on the banks of the Nile River.
In 1848, one of numerous archeological expeditions working in Egypt discovered strange hieroglyphs at the height of about ten meters right above the entrance to the Seti Temple in Abydos. The walls were covered with the strange signs that greatly puzzled researchers. The only thing the researchers realized at once was that they had discovered some images of strange mechanisms that nobody ever saw before.
It is still unknown what exactly an artist living about 3000 years ago engraved on the walls. The archeological expedition carefully copied the mysterious signs on the temple walls, and the hieroglyphs gave rise to endless disputes and heated debates among Egyptologists. As a result, majority of Egyptologists arrived at a conclusion that there were just four strange objects drawn in different variations.
Unfortunately, researchers of the 19th century failed to understand what ancient Egyptians actually drew on the temple walls.In about 150 years, the respectable Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published several sensational photos taken in the Amon Ra Temple in Karnak. At that, the newspaper asked its readers whether they believed that ancient Egyptians knew about battle aviation.
The question would have seriously puzzled readers under some different conditions. But the photos the newspaper published demonstrated the bas-reliefs of an ancient temple built under Seti I who ruled 3,000 years ago; and on the bas-reliefs an ancient artist engraved a battle helicopter with a distinct rotor and a tail unit.
Nearby, the artist depicted several other aircrafts astonishingly resembling contemporary supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers!After the sensational publication of the photos it became clear why Egyptologists of the 19th century could not tell what was depicted on the walls of the temple in Abydos.
Indeed, the researchers did not know how helicopters and aircrafts look. Pharaoh Seti I was always known as the most famous and successful regents in Ancient Egypt who actively expanded his estates and had to repulse attacks of enemies. Do the published sensational pictures mean that the Pharaoh even employed battle aviation to fight enemies?
Nov 11, 2005
Pravda, Russia
There is a scientific theory that says that Egyptians descended from Martians who had once visited this planetIt was even before Christ that Greeks took a keen interest in the culture and history of people living on the banks of the Nile River.
In 1848, one of numerous archeological expeditions working in Egypt discovered strange hieroglyphs at the height of about ten meters right above the entrance to the Seti Temple in Abydos. The walls were covered with the strange signs that greatly puzzled researchers. The only thing the researchers realized at once was that they had discovered some images of strange mechanisms that nobody ever saw before.
It is still unknown what exactly an artist living about 3000 years ago engraved on the walls. The archeological expedition carefully copied the mysterious signs on the temple walls, and the hieroglyphs gave rise to endless disputes and heated debates among Egyptologists. As a result, majority of Egyptologists arrived at a conclusion that there were just four strange objects drawn in different variations.
Unfortunately, researchers of the 19th century failed to understand what ancient Egyptians actually drew on the temple walls.In about 150 years, the respectable Arab newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published several sensational photos taken in the Amon Ra Temple in Karnak. At that, the newspaper asked its readers whether they believed that ancient Egyptians knew about battle aviation.
The question would have seriously puzzled readers under some different conditions. But the photos the newspaper published demonstrated the bas-reliefs of an ancient temple built under Seti I who ruled 3,000 years ago; and on the bas-reliefs an ancient artist engraved a battle helicopter with a distinct rotor and a tail unit.
Nearby, the artist depicted several other aircrafts astonishingly resembling contemporary supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers!After the sensational publication of the photos it became clear why Egyptologists of the 19th century could not tell what was depicted on the walls of the temple in Abydos.
Indeed, the researchers did not know how helicopters and aircrafts look. Pharaoh Seti I was always known as the most famous and successful regents in Ancient Egypt who actively expanded his estates and had to repulse attacks of enemies. Do the published sensational pictures mean that the Pharaoh even employed battle aviation to fight enemies?
Nov 11, 2005