Nude Video Clip: Public Outrage Escalates
Tony Emmanuel
New Straits Times
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia):
As public outrage over the infamous "balai polis" video clip, police attention has shifted to the person who recorded the ear-squats done by a nude woman.
Investigators are also trying to locate the woman in the clip so that she can possibly help identify the mysterious individual who recorded the incident at the Petaling Jaya police headquarters. Using the freeze frame technique, investigators are expected to "blow up" visuals of several scenes:
the moment she looks up facing the camera and when she puts on her dark-coloured sleeves top.These scenes were the clearest images in the clip and may help facilitate identification.Copies of the photographs will be distributed to prisons and immigration detention centres. Police intend to unmask the person who video-recorded the woman performing the procedure, which is aimed at dislodging anything hidden in the private parts.
Investigators believe the woman could have been arrested for an offence or she would not have been taken to the changing room at the lock-up where the video recording took place.
The "balai polis" video clip of the female Chinese detainee being forced to do ear squats in the nude in a police station lockup has led to a massive public outcry.
Politicians and non-governmental agencies are calling for an end to this practice, which they say humiliates the individual and breaches basic human rights.Meanwhile, it is learnt that ear squats in the nude, shocking as they may be, are allowed under police procedures.
Nov 27, 2005
Tony Emmanuel
New Straits Times
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia):
As public outrage over the infamous "balai polis" video clip, police attention has shifted to the person who recorded the ear-squats done by a nude woman.
Investigators are also trying to locate the woman in the clip so that she can possibly help identify the mysterious individual who recorded the incident at the Petaling Jaya police headquarters. Using the freeze frame technique, investigators are expected to "blow up" visuals of several scenes:
the moment she looks up facing the camera and when she puts on her dark-coloured sleeves top.These scenes were the clearest images in the clip and may help facilitate identification.Copies of the photographs will be distributed to prisons and immigration detention centres. Police intend to unmask the person who video-recorded the woman performing the procedure, which is aimed at dislodging anything hidden in the private parts.
Investigators believe the woman could have been arrested for an offence or she would not have been taken to the changing room at the lock-up where the video recording took place.
The "balai polis" video clip of the female Chinese detainee being forced to do ear squats in the nude in a police station lockup has led to a massive public outcry.
Politicians and non-governmental agencies are calling for an end to this practice, which they say humiliates the individual and breaches basic human rights.Meanwhile, it is learnt that ear squats in the nude, shocking as they may be, are allowed under police procedures.
Nov 27, 2005