A Curious Case of Cat-Nipped Toes
Mainichi Daily News
Saitama (Japan):
This cat was a frisky feline that gave "pussy footing around" an entirely different meaning in October last year when it was accused of chewing off the toes of a bedridden old woman in a Saitama nursing home, according to Shukan Josei .
At first, the cat seemed to be the likely culprit. Care workers who discovered the woman's toes were gone soon found the pussy licking its bloodstained lips.The cat was snatched up and whisked away to a nearby public animal welfare center and an apparently certain doom.
The cat was accused of mauling off all five toes on the right foot of the woman in her 80s. But, opinions quickly changed and growing numbers of animal experts came out in support of the seemingly condemned cat.The woman, meanwhile, is still battling on.
Jan 02, 2006
Mainichi Daily News
Saitama (Japan):
This cat was a frisky feline that gave "pussy footing around" an entirely different meaning in October last year when it was accused of chewing off the toes of a bedridden old woman in a Saitama nursing home, according to Shukan Josei .
At first, the cat seemed to be the likely culprit. Care workers who discovered the woman's toes were gone soon found the pussy licking its bloodstained lips.The cat was snatched up and whisked away to a nearby public animal welfare center and an apparently certain doom.
The cat was accused of mauling off all five toes on the right foot of the woman in her 80s. But, opinions quickly changed and growing numbers of animal experts came out in support of the seemingly condemned cat.The woman, meanwhile, is still battling on.
Jan 02, 2006